Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Synthesizing Mind

So I have to say creating an eduClipboard was anything BUT simple or user friendly. I attempted to create an account using my school email information, however, I never received the email in order to be able to access my account. Therefore, I ended up just using my google account, thankfully that was a simple process (YAY, Google!). 

With all of that being said, here is my eduClipboard. Howard Gardner states that "there is a motivating goal; an initial stance taken by the synthesizer; a set of tools or strategies that can be employed; one or more interim syntheses; and at least some criteria by which the success of the synthesis can be evaluate." (Gardner, p.58).  I decided to go with a topic of study that my students already thoroughly enjoy and include graphics, interactive sites and videos to further enhance our study on Ecosystems and Food Chains. Fourth grade has an emphasis on Biological Sciences, especially in relationship to the study of plants and animals, their structure/function, continuity of life, and ecological behavior and systems. My clipboard focuses first on an image of a butterfly landing on a flower in a field which is an ecosystem and each play an integral part in one another's survival in that ecosystem. Following, is a simple diagram of an ecosystem that shows not only parts in an ecosystem but the flow of energy as well, which is something we also focus on when we study food chains. The next three links have activities or videos to engage students in the topic of study which will in turn, hopefully, help them to synthesize all of the content and information that is being covered. My goal would be to use this clipboard throughout the unit, as well as provide it to students to access on their own as a study tool. My hope will be, that when they are assessed, they are able to prove a strong understanding and application of the content.


Babwahsingh, M. ( Illustrator). (2012). Synthesizing [Image], Retrieved July 10, 2014, from:

Gardner, H. (2008). The Synthesizing Mind. Five minds for the future. Boston, Mass.: Harvard Business School Press.

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