Hello all! I am Ashley Scott, a fourth grade teacher in Troy, PA where I teach Science and Social Studies to three groups. I also teach writing to my homeroom and have tutoring or seminar groups at various levels for math and reading throughout the year. This will be my second year as a full time teacher. I am taking my first two graduate classes this summer, EDIM 516 and EDIM 508, in hopes of increasing my awareness and abilities to incorporate digital media into my classroom.
Throughout my first year of teaching I felt like I was scrambling to find enough teaching resources to cover the necessary content. For science, I was given a PSSA prep book and outdated mapping of curriculum as my guidelines. Throughout the first weeks of school, we used the PSSA prep book as a guide and then I was introduced to Discovery Education (DE). I used pieces from DE while I continued my hunt for other resources. I found that other grade levels in the district were given a science curriculum. So, I researched and found the means to get a "sample" of the fourth grade leveled curriculum. I linked the curriculum with the Pennsylvania State science standards for fourth grade and began mapping out the rest of the school year using the materials provided and DE. Occasionally, youtube or various other sites were used, but the curriculum I was sampling not only provided an online text, but also online videos and activities for each lesson and unit. Social Studies is a little different, a new curriculum had just been purchased at the end of the previous school year. We had teacher manuals, books for students and supplemental resources from local agencies as we cover Pennsylvania history. Once again, DE provided wonderful songs, videos and other resources that we were able to incorporate into our classes.
For all of my classes, when I need more to enhance a lesson I first check with any colleagues also teaching the same curriculum or who have taught it before, as well as any colleagues teaching the same subject in various grade levels. Second, I go to Discovery Education (DE) and search for anything relating to the topic at hand in the appropriate grade level. Third, I search youtube. I don't have specific channels that I follow or have found, I just do a topic search and scan for anything credible. Lastly, it's a search on the web through either google or bing in hopes of finding something worthy to incorporate into my lessons.
As I attempt and try various methods to incorporate new ideas or findings the constant challenge is having something for everyone. Whether it be a text/book for students to read in front themselves or a computer/iPad so they can explore or follow along with what I am doing through the main computer and smart board. We are fortunate enough to have smart boards, computers, laptops and iPads, however the number of students in our building and grade level far exceed the amount of devices available. The second major challenge I find due to the number of devices is keeping the students engaged through the smart board and main computer.
My goal and hope through the courses I am taking this summer is to have a stronger understanding of how to reach my students using the resources available and to have a wider array of resources to tap into when in need.